Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Call Your MPP

Why are the people who are the most undeserving and lazy, seem to think they’re the best?

I finally called my lawyer. I knew that I had no chance to bring a suit against the Ministry of Transportation, but I thought maybe he had an idea. The first thing he said was, “Go see your MPP”. As desperate as I was, the next morning at 10am, I walked into Jill Andrew’s office. A young man, Phillip Morgan, greeted me. And lucky as I was, he’s the person in the office who works the cases. I brought all of the paperwork with me and Phillip made photocopies.

Phillip said that he would call their liaison at the Ministry of Transportation that day and get back to me tomorrow. He called me later that day and said that I would have my license back in 14 days. After four months of waiting for my license, I really didn’t have faith that this would work, but I waited 14 days. Phillip called on the 14th day to say that I HAD MY LICENSE BACK AND THAT I COULD DRIVE TODAY. I started to cry… I’d waited four months and Phillip did in 14 days what my doctor couldn’t do in four months.

I’ve now engaged in trying to get the Deputy Registrar of Motor Vehicles fired! For four months he ignored my doctor (who treats stroke patients), but when someone higher up at the Ministry of Transportation saw my files, he had no choice but to give me my license back. I’ve filed complaints with the Ontario Ombudsman and with the Ministry of Transportation. We’ll see.

Thank you to the Jill Andrew’s MPP’s office!!! Phillip Morgan got my license back for me. If you have any trouble with the Ministry of Transportation, call your MPP.

Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Mark Twain

Make someone smile today!
