Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Sisters-in-Style! For Women Over 50! The Oscar's Fashion - Yea or Nay

Trendy is the last stage before tacky.
Karl Lagerfeld

Another year of demonstrating that money does not buy style, that slavishly following the latest trends is not for everyone and that finding a great fit and colour is still important. But, who listens?

Here are some of our overall comments: Black and pale pink do not look great together, particularly with black lace. Showing less is still the classier approach and many dresses looked like they belonged to two different outfits.

You’ll also note that some dresses feature on both the best and worst-dressed lists. Among a sea of mediocrity, here are our best and worst:

Best for Sue: I loved Janelle Monae’s glittery outfit. It fitted her beautifully, had a hood and lots of glamour.

Best for Geri: Jane Fonda looks gorgeous at 82 in this beautiful red dress. Even better, she wore it years ago and it looks just as good now. I love her best with grey hair!

Honorable mentions to America Ferrara who glowed, to Mindy Kaling who looked gorgeous in yellow, to Sigourney Weaver for a great colour and shape and to Rene Zellwegger for a beautifully fitted gown, though we would have preferred another colour to white.

Worst for Sue: Cynthia Evro’s outfit looks like a wardrobe malfunction is imminent. Why do exposed breasts mean strong or fierce? Also, the bottom half looks like it used a crinoline to make it wide enough.

Worst for Geri: Rooney Mara’s outfit was wrong in so many ways, it didn’t fit, had strange cut-outs and feathers?

Other contenders: Kristen Wiig’s strange geometric shapes reminded me of Lego, Gal Godot looked like she was wearing pieces from two dresses as did Saoirse Ronan.

Fashion is a form of such ugliness, so intolerable, that we have to alter it every six months.
Oscar Wilde

Make someone smile today!

Geri & Sue