Sunday, 13 November 2016

The Dirty Little Secret About Corporate Culture

The most ineffective workers are systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage: management.
 Scott Adams (Dilbert)

The two most overused words these days are corporate culture. Every second business article is about corporate culture. Some people have nothing else to do but make lists that rate companies according to their corporate culture. Head hunters use corporate culture as a selling feature to candidates. The dirty little secret is that corporate culture is all hype and smoke and mirrors; or in corporate speak – it’s all about the optics.

Do you really think that these major national or international companies care about you? All you are is a number that equates with a dollar value. If they need to reduce dollars you’ll be right-sized or down-sized (whatever is the politically correct term these days for getting laid off). And, more often than not, the decision on who gets let go is politically motivated. Very recently an acquaintance of mine, who is the top producer in her department (in addition to being well liked and well respected) was let go. She was in a state of shock because she foolishly believed that being the top producer year over year earned her a “get out of jail free card.” Sadly what she didn’t take into account was the political back biting that goes on with these types of decisions.

Corporations are bursting at the seams with layers of ineffective, incompetent (or worse) managers. Most of these people, who have risen to their own level of incompetence, will never be the ones let go because it would cost too much to get rid of them, they’re diversity hires or there is nepotism involved.

The reality is that the quality of your corporate experience has nothing what-so-ever to do with the corporate culture B-S that you’re being fed (and expected to buy into). It has everything to do with your manager. It’s simple:

Great Manager = Great Corporate Experience
Lousy Manager = Lousy Corporate Experience

If you’re interviewing for a job or looking to move up in your present company, research the manager. He/she will make or break your experience and have a significant impact on your career. I’ve had the best corporate experience and the worst corporate experience at the same company. And right now I’m happy to say that I have a great manager!

At work don’t say load of bullshit. Say amalgamation of bovine fecal matter. Big words will get you that promotion.

Make someone smile today.


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