Sunday, 16 October 2016

Why is our Culture so Celebrity Obsessed?

Celebrities are like infants. Neither can wipe their own ass.
Michael Brian

The level to which our culture has become celebrity obsessed has reached epic proportions. News that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt split up rocked the world! It completely controlled the news cycle for what seemed like an eternity. Someone would think that news of their impending divorce actually had some consequence in the world instead of what it actually was – celebrity obsession. And celebrity obsession is big business! There are television shows devoted to celebrity obsession – Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, Extra TV and Inside Edition are just a few. Celebrity gossip magazines sell off the stands like hotcakes – OK!, Us, Star Magazine, In Touch, People and The National Enquirer are the biggies. People give up their good, hard earned dollars for these gossip rags.

With Angelina and Brad controlling the news cycle, Kim Kardashian was desperate for attention. She did the only thing she knew how – started showing up at high profile events practically naked, but to no avail! Kim’s pathetic cries for attention were barely (pun intended) noticed. Then finally the Gods smiled on Kim and she was allegedly robbed of her jewelry and tied up (in no doubt some sort of S & M ritual) in a Paris hotel. At last Kim Kardashian controlled the new cycle again and peace was restored in the land.

There is however one reason that I’m grateful to Angelina and Brad and Kim; for the time they controlled the news cycle, Donald Trump didn’t!

A celebrity is any well-known TV or movie star who looks like he spends more than two hours working on his hair.
Steve Martin

Make someone smile today.


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