Thursday, 4 May 2017

How I Almost Became a 62 Year Old Fashion Model

The leading cause of death among fashion models is falling through steel grates.
Dave Barry

A few weeks ago I was out shopping on a Sunday afternoon with my mother at The Bay – a major department store in Toronto. I was having a look through the racks when I was approached by two people wearing credentials around their necks and carrying clipboards. Immediately I assumed that they were fundraisers (they all have credentials and clipboards) because you can’t walk on any downtown Toronto street without being asked to donate to one charity or another. I’d never seen fundraisers in a store before, but there’s always a first time. Needless to say I tried to dodge them, but short of breaking into a trot (in heels) in order to escape, I decided to hear what they had to say.

As it turns out they weren’t fundraisers, they were representatives of a well-known modeling agency scouting potential models for a new campaign. I actually burst out laughing at this point because as those of you who know me will attest I’m a short, slightly dumpy, 62 year old who could never be mistaken for a model. They explained that they were looking for real people who had a unique style for a billboard campaign for a major shopping centre owner. I still couldn’t stop giggling and was preparing to walk away until they told me that if chosen I would earn $1,500 for four hours work. Suddenly I found this discussion interesting. They took a few photos and my contact info and left.

A few days later I got an email inviting me to a casting call. It was an entirely pleasant experience. Truth be told the other people waiting were all quite boring except for one chap who turned up with a jewel encrusted motorcycle helmet. When my name was called I was ushered into a studio with enormous lights. A very lovely photographer introduced herself and took several photos of me. And, that was it – my 15 minutes of fame. They were doing these casting calls from 9am – 7:30pm so I have no idea how many people were being photographed or how many would ultimately be chosen.

I never got a call back so I so my modeling career ended as quickly as it began. I guess I’ll have to continue to earn my living as a writer.

Inside of you there’s a fashion model just waiting to throw up.
Robin Williams

Make someone smile today.


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