Tuesday, 1 March 2016

The Zen of Subway Travel

A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat.
Proverb Quotes

For the first time in many years I’m commuting to work on the subway. I could drive but I work in the heart of the financial district and if you think that I’m going to sit in gridlock and pay the equivalent of rent in monthly parking, you’re nuts!

I learned that if I want a pleasant commuter experience I leave early (and go home early). Once the 8am madness begins it’s every man (or woman) for themselves and damn the torpedoes. It doesn’t matter if there isn’t enough room for a cockroach in the subway car, there are a few idiots who will leap through a crack in the door as it’s closing and hurl themselves upon the rest of the unsuspecting passengers like a heat seeking missile.

At 7:30am civility still rules – most of the time. I get a seat most days and on occasion I’ve even been offered a seat. That always shocks me into reality as I frequently forget that I’m an old fart. I suppose that grey hair and saggy jowls has its advantages. At the earlier hour people seem to be calmer and happier (some even smile), making for quite a pleasant experience. I must confess that although I could read a book on my Kobo, I find people watching infinitely more pleasurable.

There are people of all shapes and sizes wearing some very interesting clothes (or being in various stages of undress, depending on your point of view). Some people read, some sleep and others eat breakfast. I on the other hand find amusement observing the Petri dish of life.

My colleague Frank had an interesting observation on subway travel and he’s absolutely right (as he is about most things). He said that the seats are too small for anyone wearing a winter coat. Clearly the dimensions of the seats were decided upon in the tropics where people don’t bundle up like the Michelin Tire Man. One of my pet peeves is people who don’t take off their backpacks, taking up space for two and squashing everyone in range. Another is men who sit with their legs spread so far apart that they essentially take up two seats. How much space does one penis and two testicles need?

Subway travel isn’t perfect but neither am I.

I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
Oscar Wilde

Make someone smile today.


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