The tabloids create their own
stories about people's lives that don't exist.
Elizabeth Olsen
I’ve never
understood the fascination with tabloids and tabloid journalism (an oxymoron in
term if I ever heard one). Why people crave lies and innuendo designed to shock
(and hurt) is beyond me. Yet, the public has an insatiable appetite for this
garbage which in turn fuels these tabloids and gossip shows. If everyone would
stop buying them, they’d fade away; but that’s clearly not going to happen
anytime soon.
My mother, an
intelligent octogenarian with all her marbles, frequently tells me tabloid
stories that she’s read or heard. As much as I try to explain that this is all
crap, she is not to be deterred. I refuse to let her near the tabloids in the
supermarket but she is drawn to the headlines like a moth to a flame. The only
saving grace is that she’s too cheap to buy them, so her exposure is limited.
Here are just a few randomly selected headlines from The Globe and the National Enquirer. How can anyone take this garbage seriously?
The Globe: Queen
dying! Camilla’s evil plot to seize the throne.
National Enquirer:
Kim Kardashian lost 75 pounds in three weeks post-pregnancy.
The Globe:
Michelle breaks down over Obama gay scandal!
National Enquirer:
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s secret divorce papers.
The Globe: Kate
crowned queen.
National Enquirer:
Nixon killed JFK and stole his brain!
National Enquirer:
Oprah: Only 3 years to live!
People who read the tabloids deserve to be lied to.
Jerry Seinfeld
Yesterday I was shocked (and very little shocks me). My
niece and her boyfriend are visiting from Calgary and we were all at my mother’s
place. My mother mentioned some piece of tabloid garbage and my niece knew all
about it. Apparently my beautiful, intelligent niece reads the tabloids when
she’s on cardio equipment in the gym. I don’t expect anyone to read War and
Peace on the treadmill, but tabloids?????? Members of my own family are
supporting an industry that should have been shut down years ago.
Unfortunately, it appears that I am in the minority. Call me an intellectual
snob if you like (my mother does), but there is no way in hell I’m ever going
to read that crap.
Supermarket tabloids and celebrity gossip shows are not just innocently
shallow entertainment, but a fundamental part of a much larger movement that involved
apathy, greed and hierarchy.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Make someone smile today.