Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Have We Become So Obsessed About Food That We've Forgotten How to Enjoy It?

Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.  
                                          Anthony Bourdain

We're no longer enjoying the ride. We've become a nation obsessed by food; or rather the content of food. No longer do we look at food as a joyous taste sensation; it's now broken down into a detailed analysis of calories per serving, fat, carbs, protein, sodium, vitamins and minerals. Doesn't exactly give you an appetite, does it? To add insult to injury, we're bombarded by messages about food that's poisoned with chemicals, chickens that suffer in crowded coops, cows that are pumped with hormones and fish raised in fish farms and laden with lice. So what are the options?
  • Organic produce: Go ahead and pay two and three times the price for organic produce from third world countries. If you think I believe that countries without hot water and flush toilets are capable of certifying products organic, you're nuts!
  • Free range chickens: According to the National Chicken Council less than 1% of all chickens are free range. So where is this abundance of free range chickens coming from????
  • Grass-fed cows: The Natural Resources Defence Council states, "Buyers beware: a grass-fed label is about what animals are fed and doesn't distinguish whether the beef was produced on well-managed, climate-friendly ranches that are not overgrazed". So, what kind of cows are we supposed to eat????
  • Fish must be wild and sustainable: The World Wildlife Federation reports that 85% of the world's fisheries are either fully exploited or overfished, which doesn't leave us much to choose from.
Let's throw caution to the wind! Buy some things you really love to eat. Read fewer labels. Make food a joy instead of a science experiment. And really enjoy the ride!

You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred.
Woody Allen
Make someone smile today.

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