Even I don't wake up looking like Cindy Crawford.
Cindy Crawford
Cindy Crawford
If Cindy Crawford
doesn’t wake up looking like Cindy Crawford, what chance do any mere mortals
have? Yet, we’re constantly being bombarded by messages of “anti-aging” as if
aging was the crime of the century. What can be said of a society that promotes
injecting toxins into our faces in the hopes of reducing visible signs of aging
and surgical procedures that unattach and reattach our faces, all in the name
of looking younger? The reality is that you can have all the procedures in the
world, and you may indeed look younger (or like you’re wearing a fright mask),
but it won’t make you younger. There is nothing known to mankind that can stop
the clock or turn back the aging process.
Yes, it’s true that
we live in an ageist society, but succumbing to the pressure and being afraid
to show the world your real face is tragic. We’re obsessed with hiding the
signs of aging instead of focusing on aging well. When I was 40 I decided to
stop dying my hair and let it go grey. I wasn’t trying to make a statement of
any kind; I happen to love the look of grey hair. I was shocked at the
reactions that going “au natural” caused. I had friends tell me that if I
stopped dying my hair that I might never have a date again; although there may
be something in that because at the age of 61 I’m still single. My mother was
horrified. She’s a gorgeous woman who was 63 at the time and still dying her
hair blond (she continued to colour her hair until the age of 75. She is now
grey and still gorgeous at 84.). She told me that if money was the reason I was
letting my hair go grey that my father would send me a cheque every month so
that I could continue dying my hair. My hair is still grey and I still love it
We’ve lost sight of
what beauty is. Beauty is not youth. Audrey Hepburn, a magnificently stunning
woman who lived her life without injections and facelifts said it best.
The beauty of a woman is not
in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is
the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. The beauty of a
woman grows with the passing years.
Audrey Hepburn
I’m tired of teenage models in magazines advertising wrinkle
creams. I resent that woman are being brainwashed to believe that their measure
of self-worth is somehow tied to how young they look. The beauty industry has
been lying and manipulating women for way too long. Even when cosmetics
companies appear to be doing the right thing and hire actresses in their 40s to
represent their products, they retouch their photos instead of letting us see
how they look without airbrushing. Thankfully there are actresses like Kate
Winslet who are speaking out about this. In her latest contract with L’Oréal,
Kate Winslet stipulated that campaign photos of her are forbidden from being
retouched. A new clause in her contract demands that her images be "free
of any additional editing”. Hopefully this will encourage other celebrities to
do the same and end the beauty myth.
The average girl would
rather have beauty than brains because she knows the average man can see much
better than he can think.
Make someone smile today.
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